It is hard to believe but CINCINNATI AND SOUP will have a sequel out "officially" Oct 1, 2011. There will be an official launch event at Joseph Beth Booksellers on Oct 4 at 7 p.m with a book signing so mark your calendars now!
- The new book will focus on nostalgia of the area and a bit less "soup". Included will be recipes from ( Mrs) Bob Braun, Colleen Sharp,Bonnie Lou, ( Mrs.) Kenny Price and Ruth Lyons 50/50 Club..-- remember THE BOB BRAUN SHOW? PAUL DIXON? THE MIDWESTERN HAYRIDE??
Also more from Shillito's Dept. Store, and new- the Terrace Garden Restaurant, Grammer's restaurant, and the Wigwam. For those of you in Northern Kentucky I have done a special segment of Northern Ky. recipes and nostalgia. Newport in the "old days",the Mainstrasse and Beverly Hills.
Already my advance reviewers have given this book and even bigger "thumbs up" to the nostalgia.. and there is a new Cincinnati chili recipe in the book too.
It is all very exciting. Advance ordering will begin in August at vintagecincinnati.etsy.com so check back later next month for the full details and be sure to spread the word. Photo: Cover of Cincinnati and Soup: A Second Helping