November has gotten off with a burst of activity !! November 6 I was the guest speaker at the Cincinnati Public Library in downtown Cincinnati where I met many new friends. I am now giving talks on Cincinnati and Soup: Food History and Nostaglia . I cover a lot of history of our local foods in this talk NOT in the book.
Also I had the great fun of having an interview with Mike Martini on WMKV 89.3
radio which you can hear at 4 p.m. Nov.18. Mike and I are old friends as when he
was with WVXU I was an actor in the "Johnny Appleseed " drama which he produced for the public radio stations in the old X-Star network. If you don't already know, Mike and a lot of the great old radio programs are alive and well at WMKV radio. ( The ones you miss from before WVXU went all news)
So things have been a hoppin'! Here is a photo from my talk at the Library!