It was really great to be included in the Miller Ecological Park event held at the
Annex of the Warren County Historical Society. This was a great time to support the
donation of some of the Miller Farm land (46 acres) for a new ecological park.
This will feature wetlands, praries and a butterfly garden. This was the official
introduction to the public of this new projected park in our area. I support
green spaces and this was a great time to get up and talk about CHRISTMAS IN WARREN COUNTY: A COMMUNITY CONCERT and of course CINCINNATI AND SOUP. This was wonderful
to gather with friends and neighbors and cheer on this terrific effort.
MaryAnn and Bob Fischer who are long time friends from Warren County dropped in.
MaryAnn and I couldn't resist a picture with my book at this event, where many local
artists and authors gathered to talk about what they were doing.