During May I got the wonderful opportunity to visit the Amish Country near Millersburg/Berlin Ohio. The beautiful well kept gardens and farms, charming buggies and quaint plainly dressed folk. I am always looking for good food ideas to pass along and sure enough it was a good time to try the sweet coleslaw salads and sweet sour salads so popular in the Swiss and German communities.
Thoughts for a GREAT coleslaw:
1. The Amish add a bit of carrots to their coleslaw and potato salad- this gives color ,flavor and vitamins.
2. Make sure you don't get too much dressing on the slaw or it will get "soupy"and thick.
3. Make the cole slaw from fresh cabbage and run in cold water before you make the slaw so it is crisp.Drain well.
Dressing: 2 T Mayonnaise to 1 Tsp Honey : Start small and add only what you need.
Honey gives you the natural sweetness.
Hope this will give your picnics and summer events a "lift" !!
I am featuring a lovely photo I took up in the Berlin,Ohio area.
You can't have too many sheep or goats -the cows are way in the back...
COMING::CINCINNATI AND SOUP : A SECOND HELPING--- the Sequel is published Oct.1...
get ready--- more later.