The excitement grows as I have the best launch ever with Joseph Beth Booksellers in the Rookwood Pavillion in Cincinnati, Hyde Park- on Tuesday Oct 4 at 7 p.m.
Will not only talk about writing the book but will have some "1960's fashionistas" in the crowd so be sure to wear your best from that time and head on down.. we will chat about the 1960s' in Zinzy and Bob Braun, Paul Dixon and the Midwestern Hayride-share YOUR memories too !! Also there is a growing interest in my publisher- MacGuffin Productions. DO check the ICI group ( independent-community-intergrated press) out at their informational site: macguffinproductions.wordpress.com and BUY AMERICAN ! Each individual business maintains their own web address which makes it a great independent / cooperative effort.
THE BLACK WALNUT WEEKEND:Come out to eat blackwalnut treats, do children's art, see nature and chat with me ( booksigning- books available)!! Oct 15-16 at Farbach Werner Nature Preserve in Colerain Tonwship. This is a Hamilton Co. Park.
BOOKS BY THE BANKS: I will be doing the food panel ( more fun! )and there will be books available for purchase and a book signing !! A great day and wonderful book event !!