CINCINNATI AND SOUP and CINCINNATI AND SOUP : A SECOND HELPING is flying to homes across the Tri-State and around the USA. This is a great time to send a copy to those friends and relatives you mail gifts too and now IS the time to do it !!
In honor of "cyber Monday " some happy ways to send this along via the internet.
vintagecincinnati.etsy.com is our main sales site. You can also purchase Cincinnati and Soup online at : the Cincinnati Art Museum Gift Shop site, Hamilton Co. Park District's Nature's Niche Shops. By Phone: Joseph Beth Booksellers in Rookwood or Crestview. Also the books are recently on Amazon.com.
So get out there and shop for those out of towners NOW. They will be surprised and happy to find CINCINNNATI AND SOUP in their Christmas socks!!!
Photo: Cheri at Black Walnut Weekend: Hamilton Co. Park District: Nature's Niche Shop
at Farbach Werner Nature Preserve