Thanksgiving is coming and I am totally grateful for all my wonderful broadcast buds who have helped along the way with A SECOND HELPING's coming out event this past month. The FOX Friends at Channels 19 : Sheila and Rob, Tracy and Frank on air at Fox 45, Meghan , Dan and Donna ( their producer) and at WLW Radio : Jim Scott and James ( his producer). It has been amazing having their support. The latest news is the "FOX EXCLUSIVE " recipe which I had on the air this week-
Check it out at the FOX AM = MORNING NEWS Nov. 8: SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE- we made the one on the air WITH the Bourbon. I have always added maple syrup to my sweet potatoes but after doing "the bourbon trail" in Kentucky in September,it seems that bourbon fits right into sweet potato prep as well. This recipe is NOT in the cookbook and is a yummy one-. A great smell with brown sugar, maple syrup and bourbon- . By the way -we were having so much fun on the air making these sweet potatoes I got a few email as to IF there WAS a real recipe !!