Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

If it hasn't happened yet and the "holiday bug" hasn't bit you -- WAKE UP== Christmas, Hannukah AND Kwanza are all this month !!
So get moving !!!!
" CINCINNATI AND SOUP" and "A SECOND HELPING" are both nearby to answer your gift giving issues of "What to get?" and you DO NOT have to figure out a size or a color either..
Where to Buy in CINCINNATI-- so along with the reindeer sweater you DO want to pack C&S ??
Pick it up at : Joseph Beth Booksellers,
Little Red Gift Shop, Remington Rd in Montgomery.
Museum Center Shops ( Union Terminal), Nature's Niche Shops Hamilton Co. Parks, Taft Museum, Cincinnati Art Museum, Greater Cincinnati Police Historical Museum.
In Dayton: All the Dorothy Lane Markets, Katie's Hallmarks ( check for which books
each Katie's Store is different. Some only have "A Second Helping")
Also online: or
Need it signed ?
Little Red Gift Shop Dec. 8 4-8 pm ( Montgomery Christmas Walk Event)
Cincinnati Art Museum Gift Shop : Dec. 10 12-3 pm (Author signing event)
New recipes online: Check FOX 19: Dec. 7, 2011- HOliday Entertaining for New England Clam Dip and Bonnie Lou's Shrimp Spread
Fox 45: Black Forest Express Cake and Holiday Dessert ideas.
Have a wonderful holiday season - no matter which days you celebrate !
Photo: Cheri in the Little Red Gift Shop with Cincinnati and Soup
Monday, November 28, 2011
It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

CINCINNATI AND SOUP and CINCINNATI AND SOUP : A SECOND HELPING is flying to homes across the Tri-State and around the USA. This is a great time to send a copy to those friends and relatives you mail gifts too and now IS the time to do it !!
In honor of "cyber Monday " some happy ways to send this along via the internet. is our main sales site. You can also purchase Cincinnati and Soup online at : the Cincinnati Art Museum Gift Shop site, Hamilton Co. Park District's Nature's Niche Shops. By Phone: Joseph Beth Booksellers in Rookwood or Crestview. Also the books are recently on
So get out there and shop for those out of towners NOW. They will be surprised and happy to find CINCINNNATI AND SOUP in their Christmas socks!!!
Photo: Cheri at Black Walnut Weekend: Hamilton Co. Park District: Nature's Niche Shop
at Farbach Werner Nature Preserve
Thursday, November 10, 2011
NEW Sweet Potato Recipe- FREE and Just for You !

Thanksgiving is coming and I am totally grateful for all my wonderful broadcast buds who have helped along the way with A SECOND HELPING's coming out event this past month. The FOX Friends at Channels 19 : Sheila and Rob, Tracy and Frank on air at Fox 45, Meghan , Dan and Donna ( their producer) and at WLW Radio : Jim Scott and James ( his producer). It has been amazing having their support. The latest news is the "FOX EXCLUSIVE " recipe which I had on the air this week-
Check it out at the FOX AM = MORNING NEWS Nov. 8: SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE- we made the one on the air WITH the Bourbon. I have always added maple syrup to my sweet potatoes but after doing "the bourbon trail" in Kentucky in September,it seems that bourbon fits right into sweet potato prep as well. This recipe is NOT in the cookbook and is a yummy one-. A great smell with brown sugar, maple syrup and bourbon- . By the way -we were having so much fun on the air making these sweet potatoes I got a few email as to IF there WAS a real recipe !!
Thursday, October 20, 2011

I have been spending the past couple of weeks "barnstorming" for the book's launch around the broadcasting community AND lately for Books by the Banks which I totally believe IN. I think we need more books to be read-- sounds like the college educator in me--- hmm and more soup.. I think I can run for office on the SOUPER PARTY ticket ??? Never mind. Not my thing.
I have promised you FREE recipes from time to time- so get ready to jump over to Dayton's FOX 45 , Oct 17, SECOND HELPING - Cinti Soup. This is at the FOX IN THE MORNING area.. and online you can get the recipe for POPCORN SOUP= Corn chowder with popcorn croutons. Really easy for busy people.. and fun for kids !! I DO have a disclaimer on the recipe - DO NOT make this for Thanksgiving or your kids will want it EVERY year thereafter ! My daughter is now out of college and STILL asks if we are going to have it this year. Also this recipe is from my friend Catherine who lives out in the Morrow, Ohio area and got this recipe from her Aunt Blanche. They make it with fresh corn out in Morrow, but due to the fact that "corn season" is over I make it with canned corn. I want to share with you this photo with Dan Carroll- the new FOX 45 in the Morning anchor . He was so much fun to do the segment with !!Just love positive people !
Books by the Banks,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This is the high point of many local authors who want to get their new books "out there" into the community and all the national folks who want to sell more books to the locals and a lot of readers who just want to "hob nob" with the authors. woo hoo !!
Books by the Banks : Duke Energy Center, Cincinnati,Ohio ( downtown)
10 - 4 pm
Meet / Greet and get books signed by the authors ( You may purchase books there!)
Also presentations, panels and a special area for children. Lots of thinks going on.
I will be part of the Local Cincinnati/ Kentucky Food panel which will be giving a presentation at noon.
If you live in Cincinnati or Dayton you don't want to miss this one !!
See you there !!!
PHOTO: Me at 2010 BOOKS BY THE BANKS with the 1st Cincinnati & Soup book !
Friday, October 7, 2011
Black Walnut Weekend Coming !

After the exciting launch week in Cincinnati, I am getting ready to enjoy meeting old and new friends out at the Black Walnut Weekend at Farbach Werner Nature Preserve in Colerain Township ! It is always a treat to be at an event in the Hamilton Co. Parks and all the Nature's Niche Shops carry both "Cincinnati and Soup" books now .
The beauty of the local forests and all the fun events which are held there is a super experience for the entire family. BWW is gong to be great as there will be events for the kids , a live band and black walnut treats to sample . YUM!
I know that you will want to bring the family out for this wonderful fall day in the park. I was just out at FW Preserve the other day and snapped this photo. The crisp air and the colored leaves call !!
Black Walnut Weekend at Farbach Werner is
Oct. 15 -16 from 12-4 and FREE - with Park admission. Don't Miss it !
Don't forget to put on your calendar either: BOOKS BY THE BANKS: Oct 22 at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati. FREE !!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
READY -SET- LAUNCH !! OCT 4 7 p.m. Joseph Beth !!

The excitement grows as I have the best launch ever with Joseph Beth Booksellers in the Rookwood Pavillion in Cincinnati, Hyde Park- on Tuesday Oct 4 at 7 p.m.
Will not only talk about writing the book but will have some "1960's fashionistas" in the crowd so be sure to wear your best from that time and head on down.. we will chat about the 1960s' in Zinzy and Bob Braun, Paul Dixon and the Midwestern Hayride-share YOUR memories too !! Also there is a growing interest in my publisher- MacGuffin Productions. DO check the ICI group ( independent-community-intergrated press) out at their informational site: and BUY AMERICAN ! Each individual business maintains their own web address which makes it a great independent / cooperative effort.
THE BLACK WALNUT WEEKEND:Come out to eat blackwalnut treats, do children's art, see nature and chat with me ( booksigning- books available)!! Oct 15-16 at Farbach Werner Nature Preserve in Colerain Tonwship. This is a Hamilton Co. Park.
BOOKS BY THE BANKS: I will be doing the food panel ( more fun! )and there will be books available for purchase and a book signing !! A great day and wonderful book event !!
Sunday, July 24, 2011

It is hard to believe but CINCINNATI AND SOUP will have a sequel out "officially" Oct 1, 2011. There will be an official launch event at Joseph Beth Booksellers on Oct 4 at 7 p.m with a book signing so mark your calendars now!
- The new book will focus on nostalgia of the area and a bit less "soup". Included will be recipes from ( Mrs) Bob Braun, Colleen Sharp,Bonnie Lou, ( Mrs.) Kenny Price and Ruth Lyons 50/50 Club..-- remember THE BOB BRAUN SHOW? PAUL DIXON? THE MIDWESTERN HAYRIDE??
Also more from Shillito's Dept. Store, and new- the Terrace Garden Restaurant, Grammer's restaurant, and the Wigwam. For those of you in Northern Kentucky I have done a special segment of Northern Ky. recipes and nostalgia. Newport in the "old days",the Mainstrasse and Beverly Hills.
Already my advance reviewers have given this book and even bigger "thumbs up" to the nostalgia.. and there is a new Cincinnati chili recipe in the book too.
It is all very exciting. Advance ordering will begin in August at so check back later next month for the full details and be sure to spread the word. Photo: Cover of Cincinnati and Soup: A Second Helping
Friday, June 17, 2011
Amish Cole Slaw

During May I got the wonderful opportunity to visit the Amish Country near Millersburg/Berlin Ohio. The beautiful well kept gardens and farms, charming buggies and quaint plainly dressed folk. I am always looking for good food ideas to pass along and sure enough it was a good time to try the sweet coleslaw salads and sweet sour salads so popular in the Swiss and German communities.
Thoughts for a GREAT coleslaw:
1. The Amish add a bit of carrots to their coleslaw and potato salad- this gives color ,flavor and vitamins.
2. Make sure you don't get too much dressing on the slaw or it will get "soupy"and thick.
3. Make the cole slaw from fresh cabbage and run in cold water before you make the slaw so it is crisp.Drain well.
Dressing: 2 T Mayonnaise to 1 Tsp Honey : Start small and add only what you need.
Honey gives you the natural sweetness.
Hope this will give your picnics and summer events a "lift" !!
I am featuring a lovely photo I took up in the Berlin,Ohio area.
You can't have too many sheep or goats -the cows are way in the back...
COMING::CINCINNATI AND SOUP : A SECOND HELPING--- the Sequel is published Oct.1...
get ready--- more later.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
FOX 45 Visit With Meghan Mongillo

I didn't want to leave the blog without sharing this photo from my FOX 45 visit with Meghan Mongillo in Dayton. Most people in Dayton are not too familiar with CINCINNATI AND SOUP and this was the first time I had made any media appearance in Dayton ! A reminder that the book is available at the Dorothy Lane Markets, and all of the Katie's Hallmark Stores in Dayton.
May brought Visits with Fox Friends for Mother's Day

I was delighted to have a great book signing April 30 at the Crestview Borders and make some new friends in Northern Ky- they are very excited about having some recipes from the area in my new book: Cincinnati and Soup: A Second Helping: More Recipes from the Queen City.. coming soon.
It also was really great to get to visit again with Sheila and Rob on The WXIX Morning Show on Fox 19 I made my Hotel Sinton Spring Salad and brought along a "Mother's Day Brunch". They are just so nice it is always a pleasure to see them !
The week after Mother's Day I made my first trip to the FOX 45 Morning Show and got to reconnect with Meghan Mongillo, the new co-host- whom I had met last year at Fox 19. We had a lot of fun May 11 making wedge salads with Pogue's Salad dressing. If you go to the FOX 45 WRGT website and search Cincinnati and Soup you can see the video of it !!
May 18 I gave my Cincinnati and Soup : A food and agra history of Cincinnati for the Symmes Township Historical Society .It was a great to make new friends.
May was a busy month and a lot going on with working with Erin ( my graphic designer) our
printers ( Minuteman) and all the other folks who help me through Mac Guffin Productions put the new book together.
More Updates to come !
Monday, April 18, 2011
Hello and Goodbye !

It's spring ! Easter and Mother's Day is just around the corner. I want to keep you all up to date on who is carrying Cincinnati and Soup and there are a few changes on the list..
A Big Hello and Welcome - to The Good Samaritan Hospital Gift Shop at Good Sam. in Cincinnati.
Also New on the list are all the Katie's Hallmark Stores : Vandalia, Huber Heights,
Trotwood, Springfield and Lebanon.
It is a sad day to say Goodbye to our friends at BORDERS: Mason/ Deerfield as they are part of the stores being shuttered by BORDERS corporate. Tim Benz and his wonderful crew will always be friends and all good wishes for them and their future
careers !!
Enjoy the spring weather and remember Cincinnati and Soup makes a great Mother's Day, Father's Day or Birthday Gift anytime!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
2011 More Talks- More New Friends !

It wasn't the best of winters here in Ohio. It WAS a good time for Soup and Cincinnati however. I had the great pleasure to give talks this winter at the Kenton County Library- Erlanger Branch in January, In March I got to meet the folks over at the Friendship Force group and give a talk over at Maple Knoll Retirement Community.In May I will be speaking in Symmes Township - at their Township facility. This has given me a chance to meet all kinds of new and interesting people. At the same time I have been writing and working on a sequel to Cincinnati and Soup...
stay tuned. Spring is here !!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Time flies, Hail the New Year- and Hello Dayton !

Wow- is it 2011 already?
Time has certainly gone by fast and it has been a really exciting ride ! As the year closed CINCINNATI AND SOUP finally is being sold in the Dayton,Ohio area. The super Dorothy Lane Markets in Oakwood, Washington Square and Springboro are the EXCLUSIVE outlets in the Dayton area to purchase the book.It has been exciting to be a part of what are considered the premium and BEST supermarkets in Dayton ! I have shopped in these stores for years and enjoyed their superior bakeries, meat markets and incredible fresh veggies as well as THE place to find those "hard to find" ingrediants locally. Of course Cincinnati and Soup IN Cincinnati can still be found at: The Nature's Niche Stores in the Hamilton Co. Parks,
The Cincinnati Art Museum, The Taft Museum, The Shops at The Museum Center,
and the Greater Cincinnati Police Historical Museum.
Retailers in Cincinnati include: Joseph Beth Booksellers, Borders: Mason, Borders:
Eastgate and Borders: Crestview, Kentucky. Online at :
the Nature's Niche Shops online, and The Cincinnati Art Museum, online.
Hope you all have a happy ,healthy and prosperous 2011!
Remember "time flies" and take time to say or do something positive to others
today. Life is short and kindness is free !
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